Monday, 19 September 2011

The Views

We have been back to our block of land to have another look at the potential views from each room of the house. We want to be as certain as we can that we have made the right decision about the location of the house. It's not like a paint colour where you can change your mind later.

Here are the views...
from the Lounge looking east

and looking north

from the Master Bedroom

and the Guest Bedroom

from the Study looking south

from the Kitchen looking north

and from the Dining Room

We have a number of established bushes that are now flowering in the spring...

The first one (I believe) is the Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) which is the floral emblem of Australia, the second one I have no idea.


Anonymous said...

Looks lush! When does the building get started.....and where is the veiw from my room lol xxx

Julie, ellie and amber said...

p.s from Julie, ellie and amber

Michele said...

Hi Julie, Ellie and Amber,
I am hoping that the build will start at the beginning of 2012! Fingers crossed xxx